Stacy Garnick, Interim Education Director at Temple Shalom

I own a pair of 3D hologram glasses that make candle flames and lights appear like they are streaming Stars of David.

Those cardboard glasses pretty much sum up my Jewish education philosophy.

I want children to not only think about Judaism on holidays or their Bar/Bat Mitzvahs. I want them to look at the world everyday through Jewish eyes — to constantly think about Hillel’s Golden Rule,  Tikkun Olam, and that they are the future of Am Yisrael !

I strive to break the insidious cycle of kids dreading to go to Hebrew School and calling it — gasp! — “boring.”

I have extensive experience as a religious school principal, teacher, family educator, adult educator and summer camp director. Early in my career, I was even crowned “Miss Jewish Education,” heavily based on my talent of creative bulletin board design.

My goal is for this “Learning, Laughter & Light” blog to serve as an informal forum for Jewish educators and parents to share fun and innovative ways to get children energized about their Jewish heritage.  Please send your feedback and ideas to: stacyshalom36 (@)